Thursday, August 16, 2007

A prayer for back to school...

Take a moment in your busy day to thank God for the wonderful opportunity you have been given, ask for guidance as you begin the year, and look for the 'sacred potential' of it all...

Whatever happens to me in life
I must believe that somewhere,
in the mess or madness of it all,
there is sacred potential -
a possibility for wondrous redemption
in the embracing of all that is.
For in the unfolding of my journey,
in all its soaring delight
and crushing pain,
I may be sure that God is there -
always ahead, behind, below, and above,
encompassing all that befalls me
in a circle of deep compassion.
And there,
above the darkness
that wraps me round
the brigt wings of the Dove
haver and beat
in gentle healing love
and invitation to
New Rising.

From A Mystical Heart, Edwina Gately. 1998.

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